Since Palestinian horse's government assumed power, the Sino-US relations are still in the break-in period when is combined again. Conglutination for interests community, in addition, U.S.A. get deeply stuck in financial crisis, economic recession mire can't free oneself at present more and more because of two country economy, hope China this piece heavy creditor nation help break away from predicament most, so relations between the two countries overall to should be can predicted to fine trend naturally.
Reformation in relations between the two countries take shape issue certainly, accidentally more and more easy to become " eventful period " . Each side force of U.S.A. lead one after another, existence to reveal strength, attempt, so as to exert pressure, influence, control the tendency of the Sino-US relations. Meanwhile, the development of U.S.A. needs China, it is due to China that U.S.A. deals with a great deal of international affairs, on one hand want to develop the relation of benign cycle, on the other hand fear again the peace of China will threaten the status of superpower of U.S.A. to emerge, having a chance to prevent from, come as a hard blow at China will not miss easily, the relation with China of U.S.A. is in such a contradiction will be pestered.
No, the sound of one's walking that the financial summit of London is held is nearer and nearer, horse of Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Palestine will come soon if horse of Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Palestine holds the time that Sino-America heads meet for the first time. Before this, U.S.A. takes this opportunity to lead the multifarious card in many ways, or play the same old tune, either bluff, or bare fangs and brandish claws, it is enough to make people dazzled. Review these cards recently, in fact nothing more than three kinds too: Political card, economic card, military card.
A dozen political cards. Here includes three cards. First, human rights card: On February 25, the State Council of U.S.A. refers " 2008 country's right reports of others " to US Congress formally, this report is based on report even rumour that say, under the pretence of human rights issue, carry on groundless criticism to a lot of countries including China, interfere his domestic policy rudely. Second, Tibet card: On March 10, White House and spokesman of United States Senate deliver a speech and call with the statement, the American height pays close attention to " Tibet human rights " ,Criticize the Tibet policy of Chinese Government; On March 11, American House of Representatives objects to it strongly regardless of Chinese side, adopts and involves in hiding it against China's draft resolution, interfere China's internal affairs. Third, Taiwan card: On March 19, commandant's base court of American army of the Pacific Ocean is pointed out in the US Congress, under the unofficial relation, U.S.A. and Taiwan maintain closely and interdynamically, it verifies American official side participates in the most extensive annual manoeuvre of Taiwan army to disclose for the first time; On March 24, American House of Representatives votes through a draft resolution involving Taiwan, reaffirms the commitment of " and Law of Taiwan Relation " correctly, interfere China's internal affairs. It is U.S.A.'s consistent trick to play human rights card, totally ignore the historical progress of China's human rights, continue distorting facts and attacking the human rights state of China for no reason, but not review American one's own numerous human rights issue oppositely, have issued U.S.A.'s human rights to note down and smoke to this China instead for ten years in succession. Tibet, Taiwan have been an inalienable part of the territory of China since ancient times, play two card these change, have a lot of essence of meanings eventually while being impossible.
Two dozens of economic cards. On March 18, American Federal Reserve Committee says that will begin to buy the long-term national debt amounting to 300 billion dollars within 6 months, and the scale that will buy debt cards of room two and secured loan financing mechanism securities at present and plan is expanded by 850 billion dollars, to 1,450 billion dollars. Lead with color of trade protectionism card at the same time such as appropriation of U.S.A. bill forbid Chinese to be poultry imported, U.S.A. import to China steel tube raise tariffs. Start " the money press " Rescue city to out of direct China against, but because hold and occupy the first American national debt of the world completely on a large scale, the Chinese foreign exchange reserve shrinks objectively, the pressure with safe U.S. dollar assets is larger, but to U.S.A., this kind rescue city be made a desperate move, at one stroke, let U.S.A. bear U.S. dollar devalue, enormous risk of inflation, have to U.S.A. find it hard to tell about one's suffering too perhaps for it. Harm others to benefit oneself trade card, resistance to suffer China, may lead a lot of card conveniently too, U.S.A. can not preponderate.
Three dozens of military cards. March 8, USN " have no time No. " The surveying vessel intrudes upon the Chinese exclusive economic zone of the South China Sea to carry on measuring illegally, American military seizes on an incident to exaggerate or distort matters and provokes the dispute; On March 25, American Ministry of National Defence delivers new China's military strength report the most, ingores fact, as it always goes, continue playing up " China's military threat " ; American official side participated in Taiwan " Light of Chinese " Military exercises is also political also a card of the military affairs. Play up extremely to the limit " China's military threat " Totally not tenable, what China took consistently is peaceful development path, it was defensive national defence policy that was followed, did not participate in the arms race of any kind, do not constitute a threat to any country. Only big disparity exists through China's overall military strength and U.S.A. to bent on playing military card, it is further strong in fact with China's military strength, the further promotion of the comprehensive national strength, this card will be overshadowed naturally.
Perhaps because U.S.A. is overly used to leading voluntarily, overly used to various " of inferior brand " out ,A card which Zhou Xiaochuan, president of the People's Bank of China, led conveniently a few days ago, can not be stood by U.S.A..
Zhou Xiaochuan release " about thinking to reform international monetary system two articles " about deposits rate thinking of issue " " in succession, it is for strengthening financial supervision and reform, setting up the call of the new order of international finance, especially appeal for creating the international reserve currency breaking off relations with the sovereign state, the goal directs at the hegemony of very firm U.S. dollar for a long time, drawing common concern of governments of various countries and fierce dispute of the expert, media. This card may well be termed and seize " Vital part " With " key " ,The step is responded in a hurry to force U.S.A. to be messy. On March 24, Palestinian horse objects to setting up international reserve currency while holding the news briefing in White House, think the opportunity still unripe; Palestinian horse publishes the signed article on 31 medias such as " Los Angeles Times ", emphasize U.S. dollar " Unusually powerful " ,It is unnecessary to set up the position that new global currency replaces U.S. dollar now. Uncle of American Federal Reserve Committee President the south gram and finance minister Gaertner even " Refuse " Abandonment U.S. dollar proposition. The US President sounds twice within one day, extremely rare, it seems Palestinian horse is really urgent.
In fact Zhou Xiaochuan's view is not lonely, comply with the voice of the international community oppositely, have brought the extensive sympathetic response. Proposition this, accord with Russia, Brazil, India, South Korea, South Africa,etc. main new developing economy wish eagerly, raise right to speak and words heartfelt wishes of right, will get support naturally; The country of the euro area regards the financial crisis as shaking the important opportunity of the national status of core in the international monetary system of U.S.A. too. Will produce such big response, the basic reason is still to stemming from international financial crisis of the loan crisis once of U.S.A. on the basis of world each side, cause the deep introspection of international economy's enormous disaster, the drawback taking U.S. dollar as leading international finance system is exactly a root of the trouble among them. The outburst of this financial crisis, has been already indicating U.S. dollar should get off step by step from the overlord's throne.
Certainly U.S.A. will not give up this throne easily. Prize this fulcrum of U.S. dollar, establish the brand-new international finance order, will have some work to do, need long-time chess match. But the proposition of this proposition, will bring extremely deep influence to financial summit of London held soon. At this summit, the reform about international monetary system will become a great focus of common note purpose, will even further initiate the fierce discussion, and then transform and strengthen international financial supervision, deepen the motive force of the system reform of the international finance.
The card of Zhou Xiaochuan, reverse China deal with situation that U.S.A. frequently leads passively at one blow, grasp the initiative in one's own hands. Lay in, it is with the personal name the sophisticated place of this card, the aspect probed into from theory and technology set out, and article withdraw U.S.A. and U.S. dollar in the whole text, afford to play, the heart is amazed by secretly hitting and having U.S.A.. Such card, since promote a card of system supervising and reform of the international finance directly, one card that attack by innuendo, tell American party concerned, by produce mixed card helpless to good for the relation between countries frequently, the Sino-US relations need going to face with the objective, candid, wise posture, go to help pushing away, go to develop, and long-term interest that this just meets reality of the people of two countries and two countries' needs.

Reformation in relations between the two countries take shape issue certainly, accidentally more and more easy to become " eventful period " . Each side force of U.S.A. lead one after another, existence to reveal strength, attempt, so as to exert pressure, influence, control the tendency of the Sino-US relations. Meanwhile, the development of U.S.A. needs China, it is due to China that U.S.A. deals with a great deal of international affairs, on one hand want to develop the relation of benign cycle, on the other hand fear again the peace of China will threaten the status of superpower of U.S.A. to emerge, having a chance to prevent from, come as a hard blow at China will not miss easily, the relation with China of U.S.A. is in such a contradiction will be pestered.
No, the sound of one's walking that the financial summit of London is held is nearer and nearer, horse of Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Palestine will come soon if horse of Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Palestine holds the time that Sino-America heads meet for the first time. Before this, U.S.A. takes this opportunity to lead the multifarious card in many ways, or play the same old tune, either bluff, or bare fangs and brandish claws, it is enough to make people dazzled. Review these cards recently, in fact nothing more than three kinds too: Political card, economic card, military card.
A dozen political cards. Here includes three cards. First, human rights card: On February 25, the State Council of U.S.A. refers " 2008 country's right reports of others " to US Congress formally, this report is based on report even rumour that say, under the pretence of human rights issue, carry on groundless criticism to a lot of countries including China, interfere his domestic policy rudely. Second, Tibet card: On March 10, White House and spokesman of United States Senate deliver a speech and call with the statement, the American height pays close attention to " Tibet human rights " ,Criticize the Tibet policy of Chinese Government; On March 11, American House of Representatives objects to it strongly regardless of Chinese side, adopts and involves in hiding it against China's draft resolution, interfere China's internal affairs. Third, Taiwan card: On March 19, commandant's base court of American army of the Pacific Ocean is pointed out in the US Congress, under the unofficial relation, U.S.A. and Taiwan maintain closely and interdynamically, it verifies American official side participates in the most extensive annual manoeuvre of Taiwan army to disclose for the first time; On March 24, American House of Representatives votes through a draft resolution involving Taiwan, reaffirms the commitment of " and Law of Taiwan Relation " correctly, interfere China's internal affairs. It is U.S.A.'s consistent trick to play human rights card, totally ignore the historical progress of China's human rights, continue distorting facts and attacking the human rights state of China for no reason, but not review American one's own numerous human rights issue oppositely, have issued U.S.A.'s human rights to note down and smoke to this China instead for ten years in succession. Tibet, Taiwan have been an inalienable part of the territory of China since ancient times, play two card these change, have a lot of essence of meanings eventually while being impossible.
Two dozens of economic cards. On March 18, American Federal Reserve Committee says that will begin to buy the long-term national debt amounting to 300 billion dollars within 6 months, and the scale that will buy debt cards of room two and secured loan financing mechanism securities at present and plan is expanded by 850 billion dollars, to 1,450 billion dollars. Lead with color of trade protectionism card at the same time such as appropriation of U.S.A. bill forbid Chinese to be poultry imported, U.S.A. import to China steel tube raise tariffs. Start " the money press " Rescue city to out of direct China against, but because hold and occupy the first American national debt of the world completely on a large scale, the Chinese foreign exchange reserve shrinks objectively, the pressure with safe U.S. dollar assets is larger, but to U.S.A., this kind rescue city be made a desperate move, at one stroke, let U.S.A. bear U.S. dollar devalue, enormous risk of inflation, have to U.S.A. find it hard to tell about one's suffering too perhaps for it. Harm others to benefit oneself trade card, resistance to suffer China, may lead a lot of card conveniently too, U.S.A. can not preponderate.
Three dozens of military cards. March 8, USN " have no time No. " The surveying vessel intrudes upon the Chinese exclusive economic zone of the South China Sea to carry on measuring illegally, American military seizes on an incident to exaggerate or distort matters and provokes the dispute; On March 25, American Ministry of National Defence delivers new China's military strength report the most, ingores fact, as it always goes, continue playing up " China's military threat " ; American official side participated in Taiwan " Light of Chinese " Military exercises is also political also a card of the military affairs. Play up extremely to the limit " China's military threat " Totally not tenable, what China took consistently is peaceful development path, it was defensive national defence policy that was followed, did not participate in the arms race of any kind, do not constitute a threat to any country. Only big disparity exists through China's overall military strength and U.S.A. to bent on playing military card, it is further strong in fact with China's military strength, the further promotion of the comprehensive national strength, this card will be overshadowed naturally.
Perhaps because U.S.A. is overly used to leading voluntarily, overly used to various " of inferior brand " out ,A card which Zhou Xiaochuan, president of the People's Bank of China, led conveniently a few days ago, can not be stood by U.S.A..
Zhou Xiaochuan release " about thinking to reform international monetary system two articles " about deposits rate thinking of issue " " in succession, it is for strengthening financial supervision and reform, setting up the call of the new order of international finance, especially appeal for creating the international reserve currency breaking off relations with the sovereign state, the goal directs at the hegemony of very firm U.S. dollar for a long time, drawing common concern of governments of various countries and fierce dispute of the expert, media. This card may well be termed and seize " Vital part " With " key " ,The step is responded in a hurry to force U.S.A. to be messy. On March 24, Palestinian horse objects to setting up international reserve currency while holding the news briefing in White House, think the opportunity still unripe; Palestinian horse publishes the signed article on 31 medias such as " Los Angeles Times ", emphasize U.S. dollar " Unusually powerful " ,It is unnecessary to set up the position that new global currency replaces U.S. dollar now. Uncle of American Federal Reserve Committee President the south gram and finance minister Gaertner even " Refuse " Abandonment U.S. dollar proposition. The US President sounds twice within one day, extremely rare, it seems Palestinian horse is really urgent.
In fact Zhou Xiaochuan's view is not lonely, comply with the voice of the international community oppositely, have brought the extensive sympathetic response. Proposition this, accord with Russia, Brazil, India, South Korea, South Africa,etc. main new developing economy wish eagerly, raise right to speak and words heartfelt wishes of right, will get support naturally; The country of the euro area regards the financial crisis as shaking the important opportunity of the national status of core in the international monetary system of U.S.A. too. Will produce such big response, the basic reason is still to stemming from international financial crisis of the loan crisis once of U.S.A. on the basis of world each side, cause the deep introspection of international economy's enormous disaster, the drawback taking U.S. dollar as leading international finance system is exactly a root of the trouble among them. The outburst of this financial crisis, has been already indicating U.S. dollar should get off step by step from the overlord's throne.
Certainly U.S.A. will not give up this throne easily. Prize this fulcrum of U.S. dollar, establish the brand-new international finance order, will have some work to do, need long-time chess match. But the proposition of this proposition, will bring extremely deep influence to financial summit of London held soon. At this summit, the reform about international monetary system will become a great focus of common note purpose, will even further initiate the fierce discussion, and then transform and strengthen international financial supervision, deepen the motive force of the system reform of the international finance.
The card of Zhou Xiaochuan, reverse China deal with situation that U.S.A. frequently leads passively at one blow, grasp the initiative in one's own hands. Lay in, it is with the personal name the sophisticated place of this card, the aspect probed into from theory and technology set out, and article withdraw U.S.A. and U.S. dollar in the whole text, afford to play, the heart is amazed by secretly hitting and having U.S.A.. Such card, since promote a card of system supervising and reform of the international finance directly, one card that attack by innuendo, tell American party concerned, by produce mixed card helpless to good for the relation between countries frequently, the Sino-US relations need going to face with the objective, candid, wise posture, go to help pushing away, go to develop, and long-term interest that this just meets reality of the people of two countries and two countries' needs.
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