Hear from friend, tell a thing of making an appointment on April 1, after decent 800 talked once, add by one sentence at foot, this is not a April Fool's Day joke absolutely. However, I believe to some love films and persons of the music, after 2003, absolutely there is not any relation with the joke for April 1. At that sorrowful dusk, 24 storeys of gentle hotel of China of Hong Kong, build up body on the outdoor balcony, Zhang Guorong jumps up, has left the last poetic masterpiece of the life.
After Zhang Guorong passed away, a fixed program on April Fool's Day was that an excessive feeling commemorated the match of the characters. To be frank, I once took exception to this very much. I had opinions to excessively explain disease very much too on people after seeing " metaphor of disease " of Susan and Sontag. I think what people should care about at first is, at that dusk, the true state of the idol Zhang Guorong.
Before jumping out of the building, he had wandered up and down for more than one hour. Yes, he may be very in pain, but uncertain. He at that time, is more of a patient with critical situation than a sentimental singer. He suffers from depression. According to case, he may full of thoughts at that time, liver and intestines are cut into inches, any other things think no perhaps either, having just had illness coming on for no reason, make a fuss over a trifling matter, disheartened and desperate, can't help wanting to jump out of the building.
Why did he want to choose to commit suicide? Because he is a depression patient. One suffers from depression, may relate to the fact that he is the gay, relate to the fact that he performs the tragedy, may matter too, because of job high pressure, cause by heredity or neuropathy completely only. Peasants may get this disease too, it is possible too for the scientist. This disease patient was mostly women in the past, especially after producing ago, take a fancy to more and more men now, become one of the human main killers in the 21st century. Global patient have several hundred million people, China have 20 million more than, have, commit suicide dangerous person account for 10%-15% of patient, Zhang Guorong is one of them.
In order to object to the excessive explanation of disease, especially take disease and make up sad illusion, Susan and Sontag has written with a famous book. In the book, she has announced these metaphors, for example in era in the past, pulmonary tuberculosis was a kind of more general mortality disease, some poet writer such as Keats, Kafka,etc. catch an illness, make it for no reason romantic to take. " death and life are so strange to merge disease together specially that Dickens calls pulmonary tuberculosis, so that the death has obtained light and color and luster of the life, but the life has caught melancholy and terror of the death " . Pulmonary tuberculosis becomes the patent disease of bright love for a time, until leukemia substitutes it. Sontag says making clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning: "My view is, disease is not a metaphor, and the sincerest way to treat disease - -It is the healthiest way that the patient treats disease at the same time - -Dispel or resist metaphor thinking as much as possible. "
The above is the view that I wrote several years ago. This basic view has not changed till now, but my attitude toward persons who cherish the memory of has changed. I no longer repeat those and satirize their words. I know that it is a kind of disease too to cherish the memory of, how many excessive feelings of characters a patient writes, I should not mind how much exaggerative emotion there is. What's more, in front of art and emotion, I can not really tell, some called excessive feeling, it has been overstated that some let. I oneself want, go, see that piece take " the east evil west malicious ultimate edition " that person swindle money very much very much too.
Apply mechanically one concern amusement what of current political situation say era of Zhang Guorong pass by already. Have really gone over? Why so many people do not joke on the April Fool's Day? Having certainly gone over, has read Chen Kaige's new works " Mei Lanfang ", you know even more where " Farewell My Concubine " is fortunately.
As to me, a reason of the memory is, in Chinese movie & TV of today is enclosed, I can not still really look for a grounding in basic skills like him out deeply and the actor with the feeling come diligently. Such a actor dies in youth, really make people sigh. Just because of this too, we will pay attention to disease even more, don't be confused by its metaphor.

After Zhang Guorong passed away, a fixed program on April Fool's Day was that an excessive feeling commemorated the match of the characters. To be frank, I once took exception to this very much. I had opinions to excessively explain disease very much too on people after seeing " metaphor of disease " of Susan and Sontag. I think what people should care about at first is, at that dusk, the true state of the idol Zhang Guorong.
Before jumping out of the building, he had wandered up and down for more than one hour. Yes, he may be very in pain, but uncertain. He at that time, is more of a patient with critical situation than a sentimental singer. He suffers from depression. According to case, he may full of thoughts at that time, liver and intestines are cut into inches, any other things think no perhaps either, having just had illness coming on for no reason, make a fuss over a trifling matter, disheartened and desperate, can't help wanting to jump out of the building.
Why did he want to choose to commit suicide? Because he is a depression patient. One suffers from depression, may relate to the fact that he is the gay, relate to the fact that he performs the tragedy, may matter too, because of job high pressure, cause by heredity or neuropathy completely only. Peasants may get this disease too, it is possible too for the scientist. This disease patient was mostly women in the past, especially after producing ago, take a fancy to more and more men now, become one of the human main killers in the 21st century. Global patient have several hundred million people, China have 20 million more than, have, commit suicide dangerous person account for 10%-15% of patient, Zhang Guorong is one of them.
In order to object to the excessive explanation of disease, especially take disease and make up sad illusion, Susan and Sontag has written with a famous book. In the book, she has announced these metaphors, for example in era in the past, pulmonary tuberculosis was a kind of more general mortality disease, some poet writer such as Keats, Kafka,etc. catch an illness, make it for no reason romantic to take. " death and life are so strange to merge disease together specially that Dickens calls pulmonary tuberculosis, so that the death has obtained light and color and luster of the life, but the life has caught melancholy and terror of the death " . Pulmonary tuberculosis becomes the patent disease of bright love for a time, until leukemia substitutes it. Sontag says making clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning: "My view is, disease is not a metaphor, and the sincerest way to treat disease - -It is the healthiest way that the patient treats disease at the same time - -Dispel or resist metaphor thinking as much as possible. "
The above is the view that I wrote several years ago. This basic view has not changed till now, but my attitude toward persons who cherish the memory of has changed. I no longer repeat those and satirize their words. I know that it is a kind of disease too to cherish the memory of, how many excessive feelings of characters a patient writes, I should not mind how much exaggerative emotion there is. What's more, in front of art and emotion, I can not really tell, some called excessive feeling, it has been overstated that some let. I oneself want, go, see that piece take " the east evil west malicious ultimate edition " that person swindle money very much very much too.
Apply mechanically one concern amusement what of current political situation say era of Zhang Guorong pass by already. Have really gone over? Why so many people do not joke on the April Fool's Day? Having certainly gone over, has read Chen Kaige's new works " Mei Lanfang ", you know even more where " Farewell My Concubine " is fortunately.
As to me, a reason of the memory is, in Chinese movie & TV of today is enclosed, I can not still really look for a grounding in basic skills like him out deeply and the actor with the feeling come diligently. Such a actor dies in youth, really make people sigh. Just because of this too, we will pay attention to disease even more, don't be confused by its metaphor.
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